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Consulting company in development and creation of perfumes in Paris since 1992
In terms of Expert assessment : experience is worth expertise
The expertise of Parfums & Idées® is aimed at marketing, purchasing, development and quality teams. It enables us to find tailor-made, reliable, fast and adapted solutions to every problem in the company.
Research and creation of new perfumes
Parfums et Idées® becomes your perfume product manager by taking care of all the steps involved in creating a new fragrance: from the marketing brief to the perfume validation ; or any other problem requiring perfume expertise.
Adaptation of fragrances
Parfums & Idées® helps you in adapting an existing fragrance to new requirements: regulatory (updated fragrance specifications), marketing (100% natural, for example), purchasing value engineering).
Implementation of fragrance
in the bases
Parfums & Idées® supports the quality/stability of the fragrance in the chosen products or bases: alcohol, emulsions, washing bases, make-up, balms, oils, candles…
Product development
Parfums & Idées® becomes your product development manager and is responsible for all stages of new product development. It can be a fragrance, such as a cosmetic or toiletries, or an home fragrance.
Perfume evaluation
Parfums & Idées® offers its expertise in perfume evaluation and olfactory diagnosis. It may be scented products or any other product that has an odour.
Quality control
Parfums & Idées® is your external quality controler. it guarantees you an olfactory monitoring of the quality of your perfumes following the various accelerated aging tests.
Parfums & Idées® helps you in developing your training tools targeted at the needs of your structure (specialized school, training organization, company in the beauty industry…). Parfums & Idées® holds an accreditation number for training.
Anne Merckling - A unique background
Anne Merckling, founder of Parfums et Idées ® in 1992, has a unique experience, both technical and marketing, complemented by regulatory expertise, in the field of perfume.
From luxury with Giorgio Armani Parfums, to the large distribution with the Petit Marseillais, to Sephora, selectiv distributor. It is this variety of products and marketing styles that make Parfums & Idées®.
Anne MERCKLING is registered on the list of experts to the Paris Court of Appeal.
She acts as a judicial expert to assist courts judges in resolving civil or
criminal disputes: counterfeiting, litigation, fraudulent
manipulation of products, etc
10 rue Puvis de Chavannes
75017 Paris
Tel : +33 (0)6 11 75 08 59
RCS Paris 387 529 415
N° TVA intra communautaire : FR 92387529415
N° agrément formation : 11753121375
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Il leur suffit, pour exercer ce droit, d'adresser un courrier postal ou un e-mail à la société Parfums & Idées ® aux coordonnées ci-dessus.
Conformément aux dispositions de la Loi n° 78-17, article 34, du 6 janvier 1978 relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, les utilisateurs disposent d'un droit d'accès aux données qui les concernent, ainsi que d'un droit de modification et de suppression de celles-ci.
Parfums & Idées®
la haute couture du conseil en parfum®
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